For a peaceful, pluralist, just and inclusive society it’s time to counter hate speech and spread of mis/disinformation online and promote responsible use of internet.
Currently, Bangladesh has 103 million internet users; of those a large number is youths. Due to the surge of internet subscribers and lack of knowledge on responsible internet use, spread of hate speech and misinformation is pervasive on social media in Bangladesh. This phenomenon has lead Bangladesh in an alarming situation fostering social division, conflict, and violence.
In such context, VOICE initiates a capacity building program to foster a young group of participants including journalists, social & cultural activists, women, indigenous and minority activists, artists, filmmakers, photographers, bloggers, writers & university students through facilitating capacity and knowledge development to counter hate speech and misinformation and promote responsible use of digital space.
রসরাজ দাস পেশায় একজন জেলে। ২০১৬ সালের ৩০ অক্টোবর ব্রাহ্মণবাড়িয়া জেলার নাসিরনগর উপজেলার হরিপুর গ্রামে ফেইসবুকে সাম্প্রদায়িক উস্কানিমূলক পোস্ট দেয়ায় বিক্ষুব্ধ জনতা রসরাজ দাশ কে পিটুনি দিয়ে পুলিশে সোপর্দ করে। ……….
August 23, 2018. A picture of hundreds of Muslims praying Eid-Ul-Adha prayer at the Thrissur temple of India’s Kerala state the day before became viral………
Capacity building workshop on countering hate speech and misinformation
Held on 28-29 August 2021 at Padakhep Institute of Development & Management (PIDM)
Bangladesh is facing huge problem in terms of freedom of expression, justice and rule of law. We have seen many incidents regarding hate speech and in the time of Covid situation misinformation has Read More
Capacity building workshop on countering hate speech and misinformation
Held on 24-25September 2021 at Padakhep Institute of Development & Management (PIDM)
Bangladesh is facing huge challenges in freedom of expression, justice, rule of law, and governance, in particular. Society is completely divided and hates speech and mis/disinformation Read More